Join our team of world-class product builders.

We’re looking for smart, kind, and reliable individuals with a desire to teach and learn. Is that you?

Join Our Team

Teachers &
Learners Welcome

Teaching and learning are at the core of everything we do. Whether it’s a microlearn on VR, the next meeting of Machine Learning club, or Q+A period at weekly demos, we’re all about sharing our knowledge and honing our skills.

Product Impact

At PLP, we are privileged to work on a wide range of products with a number of globally recognized brands. These products are core to our clients’ businesses, exist at the forefront of technology, and reach millions of people. They empower our engineers, designers, and product managers to become masters of their craft. Are you ready to build better?

Getting Better
All the Time

‍Continuous improvement is one of our obsessions. Our Make It Better form, AMA channel, and quarterly eNPS surveys give you ample opportunity to refine company practices, while retros, design crits, and cross-project reviews ensure that you and your work are always getting better.



UX / UI Designer


UX Researcher



Product Manager


Product Strategist



Full Stack Developer


QA Engineer


Equal Employment Opportunity

PLP is committed to the elimination of organizational structures and actions that oppress, exclude, hinder, or otherwise discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, age, disability, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, or financial ability. We strive to foster a diverse, welcoming community, and are committed to equal employment opportunities in our recruiting, hiring, employee development, and promotion practices.

Let’s make something great.

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